Fluocinolone (Acetonide)
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) Information
Find all the information of Fluocinolone (Acetonide) medicine and drugs available in Pakistan. Read the pricing, side effects, usage, instructions and dosage of Fluocinolone (Acetonide) by .
Fluocinolone (Acetonide)
medicine,pricing, side effects of Fluocinolone (Acetonide) medicine by company and complete information of medicines in pakistan here on this page including all packings, MG, dosage information. This list includes medicines and drugs over every region of Pakistan like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta and other cities of Pakistan.About Fluocinolone (Acetonide)
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) is a corticosteroid (class of steroid hormones formed in the adrenal gland ). Fluocinolone (Acetonide) is used to educe swelling, inflammation and itching of skin in conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, insect bites, and allergies etc.
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) is primarily indicated in conditions like Dermatitis, Eczema, Flexural psoriasis, Lichen planus, Lichen simplex, Lupus erythematosus, Necrobiosis lipoidica.
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) is contraindicated in conditions like Bacterial infections,Fungal infection,Viral infection,Ulcers,Acne vulgaris,Rosacea,Perioral dermatitis.
Side Effects
The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Fluocinolone (Acetonide), which give rise to further complications include Telangiectasia, Striae, Glaucoma, Cataract, Growth retardation, Adrenal suppression, Epidermal thinning, Raised intracranial pressure, Secondary infections.The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Fluocinolone (Acetonide) are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Allergic reactions, Perioral dermatitis, Rebound pustulation.
Flucinolone acetonide should be used with caution in patients with active tuberculosis infection of respiratory tract or in untreated fungal, bacterial or systemic viral infections. Corticosteroids should only be used systemically with great caution in the presence of congestive heart failure (CHF), recent myocardial infraction (MI), hypertension, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, glaucoma, hypothyroidism, liver failure, osteoporosis, peptic ulceration or renal impairment. Children may be at increase risk of some adverse effects, corticosteroid causes growth retardation and prolonged use is rarely justified. Passive immunization is recommended to non-immune patients who do come in contact with chickenpox or measles. Live vaccine should not be given to patients receiving high dose systemic corticosteroid therapy nor for atleast 3months afterwards, killed vaccine or toxoids may be given, although the response may be attenuated. During prolong treatment with corticosteroids, patients should be examined regularly, sodium intake may need to be reduced and calcium and potassium supplement may be necessary. Patient should carry cards given full details of their corticosteroid therapy. Avoid use during pregnancy. Use nasal steroids with caution until healing has occurred.
High Risk Groups
Drug should not be given to Paediatrics, Geriatrics, patients suffering from Liver Malfunction, Neonates, and Pregnant Mothers.If prescribing authority justifies the benefits of the drug against the possible damages he/she should reevaluate them and consult the reference material and previous studies.
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) Dosage for Adults
Dose | 0.025 % |
Single Dose | 0.025 (0.025) |
Frequency | 8 hourly |
Route | Topical |
Note: - |
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) Dosage for Neonatal
Dose | 0.025 % |
Single Dose | 0.025 (0.025) |
Frequency | 8 hourly |
Route | Topical |
Note: - |
Fluocinolone (Acetonide) Dosage for Paedriatic
Dose | 0.025 % |
Single Dose | 0.025 (0.025) |
Frequency | 8 hourly |
Route | Topical |
Note: - |
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